EQUINE Practice Merge & Rebrand

From 11th June 2024, our equine practice is merging with the equine team from Park Veterinary Centre in Watford and we are rebranding the practice name to Wendover Park Equine.

You will see our new branding on signage and invoices/receipts. The practice has not been sold to new owners and remains within the same group. Our team of dedicated and trusted equine vets, nurses and support staff will continue to care for you and your horse under the new name of Wendover Park Equine.

You can book with either practice, the details of which you will find here: www.wendoverparkequinevets.co.uk, or by telephone on 01296 621840.

Our systems and services (including our out-of-hours) will continue to be available from Wendover Park Equine, meaning you can rest assured that there will be no disruption to your horse’s care.

Should you not wish to be transferred to Wendover Park Equine, please get in touch with us as soon as possible to enable us to provide a copy of your horse’s clinical records to an alternative veterinary practice. 

If you also have pets registered with the small animal practice at Wendover Heights Veterinary Centre, please be assured that your pet’s account will remain active with them and you will not be required to do anything differently.   

Just like us, the team from Park Veterinary Centre are dedicated to caring for horses in the local community and striving to provide the very best quality veterinary care to help them live long and healthy lives. So, while the name on the door is changing, the knowledge and experience will remain the same.

We look forward to introducing our extended team when you and your horse next have a visit. Until then, don’t hesitate to contact us as usual for all your horse’s needs, or should you have any questions about the changes, please give us a call.

Kind regards,

The Team at Wendover Heights Equine


You are receiving this communication as a registered client of Wendover Heights Equine.

In line with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) code of conduct, we are required to inform you of a change to our service provision.

Review of Payment Terms: Equine Clients

We have recently undertaken a review of our provision of services and part of this review comes from our need to improve our accounting and payment terms, which are an integral part of the efficiency and viability of our service provision in the future.

We will be sending invoices within one week of treatment with payment terms of 7 days. The veterinary team will also carry card readers to enable them to take payments on yard for your convenience.

Our business clients will continue to receive monthly invoices, please do contact us if you are a business client and have received this letter.

Please advise us at the time of booking if an appointment is likely to be reimbursed via insurance and submit a claim form within 5 working days to ensure we can process a direct claim.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our loyal equine clients for their prompt payments which allows us to focus on the provision of veterinary services to you, which is our main aim and priority.

We ask that any clients with an existing debt make every effort to clear this with us as soon as possible and to settle their accounts within the above timescale in the future.  

Payment can be made by the following methods:  

  • Cash
  • Credit or Debit card
  • BACS transfer
  • Online, via the secure link on our website

Please be assured that it is important to us that we continue to strive to deliver the highest standards of care and service to our clients.  Once again, on behalf of Wendover Heights Equine, we would like to thank you for your loyalty to the practice and look forward to continuing to provide veterinary care to your horses, ponies and donkeys.