
Anything your pet needs, we've got it covered

  • Fleas
  • In Patients
  • Microchipping
  • Neutering
  • Puppy Training
  • Vaccinations
  • Worming


Fleas are by far the most common cause of itchiness in cats and dogs.  Fleas are also the most common cause of skin allergies and allergic animals often only need one bite for an allergic reaction to occur.

Flea prevention is also an important part of preventing tapeworms as fleas can carry tapeworm eggs and cause tapeworm infestations when an animal grooms itself and eats a flea.

Fleas are very common and easily passed between animals, but they can also be treated and prevented very easily.  Both the animal and its household should be treated as fleas actually spend most of their lifetime off the animal.  It is also important to treat all of the animals in a household to ensure that all fleas are killed.

If you require any further advice, please feel free to ask or pick up one of our flea information sheets.  We stock a wide range of the latest flea products for both cats and dogs.

Spread the cost of your pet's flea treatments by joining the Pet Health Club™!

In Patients

If your animal needs inpatient care at any time you can be assured that Wendover Heights provides excellent medical and surgical facilities and provides a high standard of aftercare.  We always keep up to date with new developments in the veterinary field  so that we can offer the best treatment available for your pet.

We have a modern kennel facility with air conditioning which provides a comfortable environment where animals can recover from illness or surgery.  Pets will be cared for and closely monitored by our experienced and attentive team of vets and nurses, with at least two dedicated kennel nurses each day.

We have specialised vivariums for reptile species and a wide variety of perches and other cage furniture for any avian inpatients. We also have an isolation unit for pets with infectious diseases, which is monitored by CCTV.

We appreciate that hospitalisation may be an anxious time for you and your pet; we will do our utmost to give you the best possible care and support and keep you up to date with your pet’s progress.  During periods of extended hospitalisation, it may be possible for you to visit your pet if you wish to do so.  A mutually convenient time will be arranged with the kennel nurse on the day.

Pre-booked procedures

When booking an operation or procedure, you will be allocated an appointment time early in the day with either a vet or nurse.  Please use this time as an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.  We are happy to provide an estimate for the cost of treatment on request and you will be asked to sign a consent form.

You will also be asked for a contact telephone number so that you can be updated on your pet’s progress following a procedure or surgery.  It is very important that you are available on the contact number at all times during the day in case we need to contact you urgently regarding your pet.

Pre-operative guidelines

  • Cats and dogs should not be fed after  8pm the night before admission.  No food should be given on the morning of the  procedure or surgery. Please check with your vet if your pet is on medication whether this should be given prior to admission.  Cats should be kept in overnight so that they do not have the opportunity to hunt or be fed elsewhere.
  • Small mammals, e.g. rabbits and other exotics DO NOT need to be starved prior to anaesthetic.  Please check with your vet with regard to avian species.
  • Water should be available to all animals at all times.
  • Dogs should be exercised on the lead before admission so that they have the opportunity to go to the toilet, but care should be taken that they do not eat anything.


From April 2016 in England it will be a legal obligation for all dogs to be microchipped (March 2015 in Wales).

When a much-loved pet goes missing it can be devastating for the owners, but the availability of microchipping nowadays does improve the chances of being able to reunite lost animals with their owners.

Microchipping consists of a simple injection to implant a small microchip under the animal’s skin.  Each is programmed with a unique identifying number which is recorded on a central database along with the owner’s contact details (always remember to update any change of address or phone numbers on the database) – so if a missing animal is brought in to a vet, the Police or an organisation such as the RSPCA, it can be scanned and the owner identified and contacted.

Wendover Heights offers discounted microchipping when it is combined with another procedure, for example, vaccinations or inpatient procedures – please ask your vet for details.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call us on 01296 623439.

Save money on microchipping your pet by joining the Pet Health Club™!


In general, unless there are exceptional reasons not to do so, there are many benefits (practical, medical and behavioural) in recommending that an animal be neutered.

Dogs would generally be castrated from 1 year onwards (although it would be considered earlier if your veterinary surgeon felt it were in the animal’s best interests to do so).

Spaying of bitches  is advised 3 months after the start of the first season (provided that the bitch is not experiencing a false pregnancy at this time), although we do spay some bitches before their first season has occurred.

Cats should routinely be neutered from 4 months of age.

Rabbits – males can be castrated from 4 months onwards and females can be spayed from 5-6 months.

Any disadvantages?

There could be minor disadvantages such as change in coat texture/colour or a predisposition to weight gain (although this can be counteracted by a sensible feeding regime) but your veterinary surgeon will be pleased to discuss the matter in detail with you.

Please ask one of our vets for specific advice for you and your pet. We will help you can make an informed decision in the best interests of your pet.

Get 20% off neutering for your dog, cat or rabbit by joining the Pet Health Club™!

Puppy Training


Below are some details of the Puppy Star classes that are run at WHVC

Classes available during the week and at weekends, please visit

Puppy training is a critical part of every dog’s development, socialisation and learning. Not attending a well-structured puppy class is akin to not educating your child in school until they are 17.

Scientific research shows that all behaviour and temperament problems in dogs are predictable and preventable, however, prevention is not only easier but much more fun than curing problems.

And that all starts at puppy classes…

During our classes we show you what to do and how to do it, so you can put it all into practice at home and on walks.

At the same time as training your puppy, you’ll have fun, your puppy will learn socialisation skills and you’ll get plenty of real-world hints and tips to help ensure a happy, well-balanced dog. Plus you’ll receive our exclusive Weekly Training Plans, a certificate and a rosette.

(pictured below, some photos from our puppy training launch party here at the practice!)

We offer a 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If you don’t enjoy our classes after the first class you are entitled to a full refund.


We would advise vaccinations for your pets as they can help to protect against a variety of diseases that can sometimes prove fatal.  Vaccinations stimulate the animal’s immune system so that if they come into contact with certain diseases, they have the best possible chance of fighting the disease and, if they do contract it, of reducing the severity of the symptoms.

Dogs and puppies can be vaccinated against diseases such as Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Kennel Cough; some of these diseases can prove rapidly fatal and can be passed on from infected dogs and foxes (even healthy-looking dogs could be harbouring the diseases), or even transmitted via infected water in ditches and ponds.

A puppy vaccination course is normally given as 2 injections between 2 and 4 weeks apart; the first at 6 to 8 weeks of age, the second at 10 to 12 weeks.  The pup is then considered protected from 7 days after the second injection. An older dog that has an unknown vaccination history should start the course again with 2 injections, 2 weeks apart, and all dogs should have a yearly booster. The first booster at a year of age is particularly important following the puppy vaccination course.

Cats and kittens can be vaccinated against Cat Flu, Feline Enteritis and Feline Leukaemia Virus.  A kitten vaccination course is usually given 3 – 4 weeks apart and can start from 9 weeks of age.

If you are giving a home to an older cat where you are not certain of its vaccination history, it is advisable to start the course again so that you are safe in the knowledge that it is protected.

Rabbits are sometimes overlooked by pet owners when it comes to vaccinations but thanks to a new vaccination, it’s now a  much easier and cost-effective process to protect your rabbit than in the past. The vaccine offers 12 months’ protection against myxomatosis and VHD (Viral Haemorrhagic Disease) in one injection and your rabbit will also get its annual healthcheck at the same time.  Previously, you would have had to make three separate visits with your pet for the required vaccinations, so the new option is much easier and around half the price!                       

Please see our rabbit pages for more information

Additional Vaccinations:

Rabies – We offer Rabies vaccination (requiring a single vaccine every 3 years) for animals that are travelling abroad. See our Pet Advice page for Pet Travel Scheme information or the visit the DEFRA website.

Spread the cost of your pet's annual vaccinations by joining the Pet Health Club™!


Newborn animals are often infected with worms when they are born and so worming them is important from the outset. Adult animals can then be infected with worms throughout their life and may not outwardly show signs of infestation such as loss of condition.  Some of the worms that infect animals can also infect people, including unborn babies, and can potentially cause serious illness.  These are all reasons why it is strongly recommended to regularly worm your pet. We stock a wide range of worming treatments and are happy to offer further information and advice on worming your pet.  There are also specific worming recommendations for pets travelling abroad which we can advise you on (see Pet Travel Scheme).

Ideally your pet should be wormed every 3 months – frequency of worming can depend on a pet’s age and other environmental factors – we will be happy to advise on the best course of action for your pet.

Spread the cost of your pet's worming treatments by joining the Pet Health Club™!

Canine Rehabilitation

Canine Rehabilitation

Learn about our Canine Rehabilitation services, including hydrotherapy, physiotherapy and more!

Pet Health Club™

Pet Health Club™

Get complete peace of mind your pet’s well looked after with Pet Health Club™ and save money on routine healthcare, every year. Join online today.